Dr. Peter Coogan | Dissertation EditingBarbara Ebert Undergraduate Coaching

Peter Coogan APA Editing

Dr. Peter Coogan has been providing comprehensive copyediting on dissertations for over a dozen years, and in his 30 years in academia has read or graded 20,000+ papers, taught at a dozen universities, taught dozens of courses, worked with or taught thousands of students, and edited over 300 dissertations. He’s an academic native, having grown up in Kent, Ohio, with Ph.D.s in most neighborhood houses, including his father, a geology professor at Kent State University. He has a deep, almost genetic, understanding of academic discourse conventions. Peter was the chief dissertation copyeditor in a previous position and is the primary referral for editing at Valdosta State University and the International Institute of Clinical Sexology. He currently runs a graduate writing center in the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis for social work, public health, and social policy students, as well as teaching comics and superheroes in the American Cultural Studies program. He’s earned the informal title of APA Jedi for his expansive and detailed command of the APA style and formatting guidelines, and he communicates often enough with the APA Style Experts that they feel comfortable enough to respond to his inquiries with humorous sarcasm. He is autistic and his special focus is academic writing, so he understands your problems far better than an ordinary mortal.

Services Foci: Dissertation and Thesis Editing; APA Expertise

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