Three years ago, I embarked upon a journey that I had no idea where it would go or with whom I could make a positive difference. I just wanted to write about what I was learning. And I was excited about it. One of my morning affirmations is to, “Be a beneficial presence in the world.” Little did I know that blogging was a direct manifestation of that daily affirmation. The people who follow my blog motivates me to do what I do.

Servant Leadership is a way of life for me. I enjoy helping people and organizations to be the absolute best they can be. My definition of servant leadership drives my blogs and my life. It is,

“Servant Leadership is a smart leadership approach with a moral and ethical center to lead by serving others. Servant leaders model behaviors that equip and inspire others toward personal greatness. They see people as humans acknowledging their perspectives as legitimate and meaningful. Servant leadership represents a new consciousness and self-awareness that is necessary for engaging others more authentically.”

So, in 2017, I pledge to continue my writing. I pledge to get better and learn more. Most of all, I pledge to continue to share this knowledge with people that are on this journey with me. This is my first year I reviewed which articles drew the most readers. Modest numbers, but I love that each year, I am reaching more and more people and sharing my message of Servant Leadership.

Over 6,800 people read my blog on LinkedIn, MailChimp, Facebook, and WordPress in 2016. Here are the ones with the highest readership. Feel free to share with your family, friends, and co-workers. I so look forward to us working together in this new year! I am always SO open to your thoughts, ideas, and comments!

To 2017!
Dr. Crystal

​​​​​​​TOP 5 BLOG POSTS OF 2016
6 Applications of Servant Leadership
6 Positive Phrases Servant-Leaders Use When Listening
The 8 Pitfalls of Organizations and Emerging Servant Leaders
4 Values of Servant-Led Organizations
3 Questions to Consider as a Servant Leader

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