“This is what I know for sure; I am here to raise the consciousness of the planet.”

                                                                                                                                                   ~Oprah Winfrey

Announcement: This is my last post before my son and I embark on a road trip to Kansas for summer vacation.  I will resume summer posting two weeks from today. Happy June!

As I was thinking about what to write about today, I came across Oprah Winfrey’s talk at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, “Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life, and Leadership.”

Wow. Talk about a fascinating story of Servant Leadership! It was the most powerful hour of enlightenment that I have possibly ever experienced. She is the epitome of a Servant-Leader.

Last week, I talked about the 10 core competencies of Servant Leadership. Oprah’s talk echoed those competencies as she spoke about her life, her career, her mistakes, her successes, and what she has learned.

What I took away from the talk was the greatest lesson of all for emerging Servant-Leaders; Servant –Leaders who are self-actualized KNOW the change they are to make in the world. They are here to raise the consciousness of the planet.

Let that truth soak in for a moment.

Oprah reminded us of the truth of who we are. She said;

Always listen to your inner voice
Being fuels doing, not the other way around
Pay attention to your life and the life of others
Work on yourself; Always keep yourself full first
Know who you are and know what to do with who you are

Isn’t this the life and calling of Servant-Leaders? We are called to be keenly self-aware so that we can make a beneficial contribution to the greater world community. Without knowing who we are, we fail to help others see who they are.

Indeed, Servant-Leaders understand that there is, as Oprah said, “A supreme moment of destiny waiting for me.” Know it. Feel it. OWN it.

Take an hour in this or the next 24 hours to watch the talk.

I promise you, you will feel empowered and inspired to continue on your journey as a Servant-Leader. It is located at http://bit.ly/12Dnh0C


To Oprah,

Dr. Crystal

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