Help Writing Your TRIO grant
Grants are big projects that will take a lot of time for people in your organization to assemble. If you do not have a full-time grant writer, you will be relying on staff with little to no experience navigating this complex sphere of writing and research. Help writing TRIO grant
Our writers, including a certified grant writer, will help you build that massive compilation and get it submitted. Funding depends on the clear and concise language that drives your point home — we will help with writing this important document. TRIO-SSS RFP Released Early Help writing TRIO grant
Do you need help writing a TRIO grant, specifically a Talent Search (TRIO/TS) or Educational Opportunity Center (TRIO/EOC) grant? We can help you navigate the RFP guidelines and submit and approve your grant!
Our CEO can work with your IT or IR department to streamline the data retrieval processes for those sections requiring data-based support. Recent TRIO SSS grant work involved a detailed and comprehensive analysis of existing data to present the best quantitative work possible upon submission. We’ll ensure the document is mechanically sound, and our certified grant writer will oversee the entire process. Get help writing a TRIO grant and get your office funded! TRIO-SSS RFP Released Early
Copy Editing for Peer-Reviewed Articles
If you are a graduate student, we can assist you with all aspects of the thesis or dissertation writing process, including research design, analysis, formatting, copy editing, and final proofing, template use, or even first-stage work like your proposal outline or initial research statement. TRIO-RFP Released Early
Transcription Services
If you have audio or video (with audio an audio track) recordings that you need to be transcribed, we are happy to offer that as a service. Additionally, we can take the transcription and ghostwrite a narrative from the content.
Resume & Cover Letter Packages
We will help you to create your resume, cover letter, vitae, teaching philosophy statement, or help you to improve your existing workforce application documents.
Non-Profit Organization Setup
Organizations and teams applying for their 501(c)3 application can lean on us to assist with their vision, mission, and purpose statements.