What Happens When You Assume? (You Solidify Your Dissertation!)

In any academic inquiry, especially dissertation research, assumptions are pivotal. These underlying beliefs and ideas, often taken for granted, form the foundation for the research question and direct the overall research trajectory. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize and critically examine these assumptions. In this discussion, we’ll delve into the nature of assumptions in dissertation research, their significance, and the methods to pinpoint and assess them.

What Defines Assumptions in Dissertation Research?

Assumptions in dissertation research are accepted beliefs or notions that steer the research question and methodology. Rooted in prior research, personal observations, or theoretical models, these assumptions might be overtly stated in research queries or hypotheses or subtly implied in selecting research techniques.

The Significance of Assumptions in Dissertation Research:

The relevance of assumptions can be encapsulated in three primary reasons:

1. Directing the Research Focus: Assumptions aid in molding the research question spotlighting the variables under examination.

2. Structuring the Research Path: They provide a blueprint for choosing the research approach, accumulating data, and deducing results.

3. Influencing Research Validity: Assumptions can sway the research’s validity, affecting the results’ interpretation and the applicability of the conclusions.

Steps to Detect and Assess Assumptions in Dissertation Research:

1. Spot the Research Question: Begin with discerning the central research question or hypothesis to unveil inherent assumptions.

2. Highlight the Variables: Recognize the variables under study and the related assumptions.

3. Scrutinize the Assumptions: Assess the assumptions for their legitimacy. Ponder over their origins in prior studies, personal experiences, or theoretical constructs. Could there be other feasible assumptions? Do the data align with the assumptions?

4. Ponder Over Consequences: Reflect on how assumptions might affect your results’ interpretation and broad applicability. Evaluate whether any assumption might compromise the research’s validity or broader relevance.


Assumptions are the backbone of dissertation research, influencing both the question posed and the ensuing research journey. Recognizing and judiciously evaluating these assumptions ensures research integrity. By embracing the guidelines mentioned, you can ensure that your assumptions are robust and fitting, enhancing your research outcomes’ credibility and broader relevance.

Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. SAGE Publications.

SAGE Handbook

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